All files / utils/test addMockContourSegmentation.ts

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import { utilities as csUtils } from '@cornerstonejs/core';
import { annotation, utilities as cstUtils } from '@cornerstonejs/tools';
export function addMockContourSegmentation({
}) {
  contours = Array.isArray(contours) ? contours : [contours];
  contours.forEach((contour) => {
    const {
      segmentIndex = 1,
      radius = 100,
      resolution = 100,
      centerOffset = [0, 0],
    } = contour;
    // get the circle annotation that would draw if we pick the center
    // as the circle center and the radius as the distance from the center
    // to the edge of the viewport
    const centerInCanvas = [
      viewport.canvas.width / 2 + centerOffset[0],
      viewport.canvas.height / 2 + centerOffset[1],
    const radiusInCanvas = radius;
    const polyline = Array.from(Array(resolution).keys()).map((i) => {
      const angle = (i * 2 * Math.PI) / resolution;
      const x = centerInCanvas[0] + radiusInCanvas * Math.cos(angle);
      const y = centerInCanvas[1] + radiusInCanvas * Math.sin(angle);
      const world = viewport.canvasToWorld([x, y]);
      return world;
    const FrameOfReferenceUID = viewport.getFrameOfReferenceUID();
    const camera = viewport.getCamera();
    const contourSegmentationAnnotation = {
      annotationUID: csUtils.uuidv4(),
      data: {
        contour: {
          closed: true,
        segmentation: {
        handles: {},
      handles: {},
      highlighted: false,
      autoGenerated: false,
      invalidated: false,
      isLocked: false,
      isVisible: true,
      metadata: {
        referencedImageId: viewport.getCurrentImageId(),
        toolName: 'PlanarFreehandContourSegmentationTool',
        FrameOfReferenceUID: FrameOfReferenceUID,
        viewPlaneNormal: camera.viewPlaneNormal,
    const annotationGroupSelector = viewport.element;