All files / packages/tools/src/utilities/segmentation brushSizeForToolGroup.ts

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import { getToolGroup } from '../../store/ToolGroupManager';
import BrushTool from '../../tools/segmentation/BrushTool';
import triggerAnnotationRenderForViewportIds from '../triggerAnnotationRenderForViewportIds';
import { getRenderingEngine } from '@cornerstonejs/core';
import { getBrushToolInstances } from './utilities';
 * Sets the brush size for all brush-based tools in a given tool group.
 * @param toolGroupId - The ID of the tool group to set the brush size for.
 * @param brushSize - The new brush size to set.
 * @param toolName - The name of the specific tool to set the brush size for (optional)
 * If not provided, all brush-based tools in the tool group will be affected.
export function setBrushSizeForToolGroup(
  toolGroupId: string,
  brushSize: number,
  toolName?: string
): void {
  const toolGroup = getToolGroup(toolGroupId);
  if (toolGroup === undefined) {
  const brushBasedToolInstances = getBrushToolInstances(toolGroupId, toolName);
  brushBasedToolInstances.forEach((tool: BrushTool) => {
    tool.configuration.brushSize = brushSize;
    // Invalidate the brush being rendered so it can update.
  // Trigger an annotation render for any viewports on the toolgroup
  const viewportsInfo = toolGroup.getViewportsInfo();
  const viewportsInfoArray = Object.keys(viewportsInfo).map(
    (key) => viewportsInfo[key]
  if (!viewportsInfoArray.length) {
  const { renderingEngineId } = viewportsInfoArray[0];
  // Use helper to get array of viewportIds, or we just end up doing this mapping
  // ourselves here.
  const viewportIds = toolGroup.getViewportIds();
  const renderingEngine = getRenderingEngine(renderingEngineId);
  triggerAnnotationRenderForViewportIds(renderingEngine, viewportIds);
 * Gets the brush size for the first brush-based tool instance in a given tool group.
 * @param toolGroupId - The ID of the tool group to get the brush size for.
 * @param toolName - The name of the specific tool to get the brush size for (Optional)
 * If not provided, the first brush-based tool instance in the tool group will be used.
 * @returns The brush size of the selected tool instance, or undefined if no brush-based tool instance is found.
export function getBrushSizeForToolGroup(
  toolGroupId: string,
  toolName?: string
): void {
  const toolGroup = getToolGroup(toolGroupId);
  if (toolGroup === undefined) {
  const toolInstances = toolGroup._toolInstances;
  if (!Object.keys(toolInstances).length) {
  const brushBasedToolInstances = getBrushToolInstances(toolGroupId, toolName);
  // one is enough as they share the same brush size
  const brushToolInstance = brushBasedToolInstances[0];
  if (!brushToolInstance) {
  // TODO -> Assumes the brush sizes are the same and set via these helpers.
  return brushToolInstance.configuration.brushSize;