All files / packages/tools/src/utilities/math/polyline getClosestLineSegmentIntersection.ts

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Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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import { vec2 } from 'gl-matrix';
import type { Types } from '@cornerstonejs/core';
import areLineSegmentsIntersecting from './areLineSegmentsIntersecting';
 * Checks whether the line (`p1`,`q1`) intersects any of the other lines in the
 * `points`, and returns the closest value.
 * @param points - Polyline points
 * @param p1 - Start point of the line segment
 * @param q1 - End point of the line segment
 * @param closed - Test the intersection against the line that connects the first to the last when closed
 * @returns The closest line segment from polyline that intersects the line segment [p1, q1]
export default function getClosestLineSegmentIntersection(
  points: Types.Point2[],
  p1: Types.Point2,
  q1: Types.Point2,
  closed = true
): { segment: Types.Point2; distance: number } | undefined {
  let initialQ2Index;
  let p2Index;
  if (closed) {
    p2Index = points.length - 1;
    initialQ2Index = 0;
  } else {
    p2Index = 0;
    initialQ2Index = 1;
  const intersections = [];
  for (let q2Index = initialQ2Index; q2Index < points.length; q2Index++) {
    const p2 = points[p2Index];
    const q2 = points[q2Index];
    if (areLineSegmentsIntersecting(p1, q1, p2, q2)) {
      intersections.push([p2Index, q2Index]);
    p2Index = q2Index;
  if (intersections.length === 0) {
  // Find intersection closest to the start point
  const distances = [];
  intersections.forEach((intersection) => {
    const intersectionPoints = [
    const midpoint = [
      (intersectionPoints[0][0] + intersectionPoints[1][0]) / 2,
      (intersectionPoints[0][1] + intersectionPoints[1][1]) / 2,
    distances.push(vec2.distance(<vec2>midpoint, p1));
  const minDistance = Math.min(...distances);
  const indexOfMinDistance = distances.indexOf(minDistance);
  return {
    segment: intersections[indexOfMinDistance],
    distance: minDistance,