All files / packages/tools/src/stateManagement/annotation/config getFont.ts

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import { ToolModes, AnnotationStyleStates } from '../../../enums';
import { getStyleProperty } from './helpers';
import { StyleSpecifier } from '../../../types/AnnotationStyle';
 * getFont - Returns a font string of the form "{fontSize}px fontName" used by `canvas`.
 * @param styleSpecifier - An object containing the specifications such as viewportId,
 * toolGroupId, toolName and annotationUID which are used to get the style if the level of specificity is
 * met (hierarchy is checked from most specific to least specific which is
 * annotationLevel -> viewportLevel -> toolGroupLevel -> default.
 * @param state - An optional state to determine the final property name
 * @param mode - An optional mode to determine the final property name
 * @returns The font string.
function getFont(
  styleSpecifier: StyleSpecifier,
  state?: AnnotationStyleStates,
  mode?: ToolModes
): string {
  const fontSize = getStyleProperty(
  const fontFamily = getStyleProperty(
  return `${fontSize}px ${fontFamily}`;
export default getFont;