All files / packages/core/src/RenderingEngine/helpers/cpuFallback/rendering renderPseudoColorImage.ts

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import setToPixelCoordinateSystem from './setToPixelCoordinateSystem';
import now from './now';
import initializeRenderCanvas from './initializeRenderCanvas';
import getLut from './getLut';
import saveLastRendered from './saveLastRendered';
import doesImageNeedToBeRendered from './doesImageNeedToBeRendered';
import storedPixelDataToCanvasImageDataPseudocolorLUT from './storedPixelDataToCanvasImageDataPseudocolorLUT';
import storedPixelDataToCanvasImageDataPseudocolorLUTPET from './storedPixelDataToCanvasImageDataPseudocolorLUTPET';
import * as colors from '../colors/index';
import type { IImage, CPUFallbackEnabledElement } from '../../../../types';
import { clamp } from '../../../../utilities';
 * Returns an appropriate canvas to render the Image. If the canvas available in the cache is appropriate
 * it is returned, otherwise adjustments are made. It also sets the color transfer functions.
 * @param {Object} enabledElement The cornerstone enabled element
 * @param {Object} image The image to be rendered
 * @param {Boolean} invalidated Is pixel data valid
 * @returns {HTMLCanvasElement} An appropriate canvas for rendering the image
 * @memberof rendering
function getRenderCanvas(
  enabledElement: CPUFallbackEnabledElement,
  image: IImage,
  invalidated: boolean
): HTMLCanvasElement {
  if (!enabledElement.renderingTools.renderCanvas) {
    enabledElement.renderingTools.renderCanvas =
  const renderCanvas = enabledElement.renderingTools.renderCanvas;
  let colormap =
    enabledElement.viewport.colormap || enabledElement.options.colormap;
  if (enabledElement.options && enabledElement.options.colormap) {
      'enabledElement.options.colormap is deprecated. Use enabledElement.viewport.colormap instead'
  if (colormap && typeof colormap === 'string') {
    colormap = colors.getColormap(colormap);
  if (!colormap) {
    throw new Error('renderPseudoColorImage: colormap not found.');
  const colormapId = colormap.getId();
  if (
    doesImageNeedToBeRendered(enabledElement, image) === false &&
    invalidated !== true &&
    enabledElement.renderingTools.colormapId === colormapId
  ) {
    return renderCanvas;
  // If our render canvas does not match the size of this image reset it
  // NOTE: This might be inefficient if we are updating multiple images of different
  // Sizes frequently.
  if (
    renderCanvas.width !== image.width ||
    renderCanvas.height !== image.height
  ) {
    initializeRenderCanvas(enabledElement, image);
  // Get the lut to use
  let start = now();
  if (
    !enabledElement.renderingTools.colorLUT ||
    invalidated ||
    enabledElement.renderingTools.colormapId !== colormapId
  ) {
    enabledElement.renderingTools.colorLUT = colormap.createLookupTable();
    enabledElement.renderingTools.colormapId = colormapId;
  const renderCanvasData = enabledElement.renderingTools.renderCanvasData;
  const renderCanvasContext = enabledElement.renderingTools.renderCanvasContext;
  const { viewport } = enabledElement;
  const colorLUT = enabledElement.renderingTools.colorLUT;
  if (viewport.modality === 'PT') {
    const { windowWidth, windowCenter } = viewport.voi;
    const minimum = windowCenter - windowWidth / 2;
    const maximum = windowCenter + windowWidth / 2;
    const range = maximum - minimum;
    const collectedMultiplierTerms = 255.0 / range;
    let petVOILutFunction;
    if (viewport.invert) {
      petVOILutFunction = (value) => {
        return clamp(
          Math.floor(255 - (value - minimum) * collectedMultiplierTerms),
    } else {
      petVOILutFunction = (value) => {
        return clamp(
          Math.floor((value - minimum) * collectedMultiplierTerms),
  } else {
    const lut = getLut(image, enabledElement.viewport, invalidated);
    image.stats = image.stats || {};
    image.stats.lastLutGenerateTime = now() - start;
  start = now();
  renderCanvasContext.putImageData(renderCanvasData, 0, 0);
  image.stats.lastPutImageDataTime = now() - start;
  return renderCanvas;
 * API function to draw a pseudo-color image to a given enabledElement
 * @param {EnabledElement} enabledElement The Cornerstone Enabled Element to redraw
 * @param {Boolean} invalidated - true if pixel data has been invalidated and cached rendering should not be used
 * @returns {void}
 * @memberof rendering
export function renderPseudoColorImage(
  enabledElement: CPUFallbackEnabledElement,
  invalidated: boolean
): void {
  if (enabledElement === undefined) {
    throw new Error(
      'drawImage: enabledElement parameter must not be undefined'
  const image = enabledElement.image;
  if (image === undefined) {
    throw new Error('drawImage: image must be loaded before it can be drawn');
  // Get the canvas context and reset the transform
  const context = enabledElement.canvas.getContext('2d');
  context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
  // Clear the canvas
  context.fillStyle = 'black';
  // Turn off image smooth/interpolation if pixelReplication is set in the viewport
  context.imageSmoothingEnabled = !enabledElement.viewport.pixelReplication;
  // Save the canvas context state and apply the viewport properties
  setToPixelCoordinateSystem(enabledElement, context);
  // If no options are set we will retrieve the renderCanvas through the
  // Normal Canvas rendering path
  // TODO: Add WebGL support for pseudocolor pipeline
  const renderCanvas = getRenderCanvas(enabledElement, image, invalidated);
  const sx = enabledElement.viewport.displayedArea.tlhc.x - 1;
  const sy = enabledElement.viewport.displayedArea.tlhc.y - 1;
  const width = enabledElement.viewport.displayedArea.brhc.x - sx;
  const height = enabledElement.viewport.displayedArea.brhc.y - sy;
  context.drawImage(renderCanvas, sx, sy, width, height, 0, 0, width, height);
  enabledElement.renderingTools = saveLastRendered(enabledElement);