All files / packages/core/src/enums ViewportType.ts

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 * ViewportType enum for cornerstone-render which defines the type of viewport.
enum ViewportType {
   * - Suitable for rendering a stack of images, that might or might not belong to the same image.
   * - Stack can include 2D images of different shapes, size and direction
  STACK = 'stack',
   * - Suitable for rendering a volumetric data which is considered as one 3D image.
   * - Having a VolumeViewport enables Multi-planar reformation or reconstruction (MPR) by design, in which you can visualize the volume from various different orientations without addition of performance costs.
  ORTHOGRAPHIC = 'orthographic',
  /** Perspective Viewport: Not Implemented yet */
  PERSPECTIVE = 'perspective',
  VOLUME_3D = 'volume3d',
  VIDEO = 'video',
export default ViewportType;