All files / packages/core/src/enums ImageQualityStatus.ts

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 * Status of a frame as it gets loaded.  This is ordered, with lower
 * values being more lossy, and higher values being less lossy.
enum ImageQualityStatus {
   *  Replicate is a duplicated image, from some larger distance
  // Skipping a value here and after the next replicate to allow for interpolation
  // enum values.
   * Adjacent replicate is a duplicated image of a nearby image
   * Sub resolution images are encodings of smaller than full resolution
   * images.  The encoding may or may not be lossy, but the lower resolution
   * means it has lost information already compared to full resolution/lossless.
   *  Lossy images, encoded with a lossy encoding, but full resolution or size.
  LOSSY = 7,
   *  Full resolution means the image is full resolution/complete data/lossless
   * (or at least as lossless as the image is going to get)
export default ImageQualityStatus;