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There are two types of configurations that can be applied to a segmentation representation.

  • Global Configuration: A configuration for all segmentation representations in all toolGroups.
  • ToolGroup-specific Configuration: A configuration for each toolGroup, which overrides the global configuration.

Regardless of the type of the configuration, it is object that include each representations configuration.

renderInactiveSegmentations: false,
representations: {
renderFill: true,
renderOutline: true,
// other related labelmap-specific
// contour-specific configuration
// contours are not implemented yet, see our roadmap for more details


ToolGroup-specific configuration ALWAYS overrides the global configuration.

For instance, if we have the following situation where only global configuration is set:

const globalConfiguration = {
renderInactiveSegmentations: false,

// Results: Cornerstone3DTools WILL NOT render inactive segmentations

But, if there is a toolGroup-specific configuration:

const globalConfiguration = {
renderInactiveSegmentations: false,

const toolGroupConfiguration = {
renderInactiveSegmentations: true,

// Results: Cornerstone3DTools WILL render inactive segmentations

Config State API

The api for the segmentation representation configurations are

import {segmentation, Enums} from '@cornerstonejs/tools

// Get the global configuration

// Set the global configuration

// Get toolGroup-specific configuration

// Set toolGroup-specific configuration
segmentation.config.setToolGroupSpecificConfig(toolGroupId, config)

// Get global representation configuration for a specific representation (e.g., labelmap)
const representationType = Enums.SegmentationRepresentations.Labelmap

// Set global representation configuration for a specific representation (e.g., labelmap)
segmentation.config.setGlobalRepresentationConfig(representationType, config)

Read more about the Labelmap Configuration options Cornerstone3DTools provides.

Visibility API

Segmentation module provides API for setting/getting the visibility of each segmentation representation. You can use visibility API to hide/show each representation.

import { segmentation } from '@cornerstonejs/tools

// set the visibility of a segmentation representation for a toolGroup
segmentation.config.visibility.setSegmentationVisibility(toolGroupId, representationUID, visibility)

// get the visibility of a segmentation representation for a toolGroup
segmentation.config.visibility.getSegmentationVisibility(toolGroupId, representationUID)

Color API

Provides API for adding a colorLUT (color Look Up Table (LUT)) that the segmentation representations will use to render their segments. The colorLUT is an array of RGBA values that will be used to render each segment. For instance, segment index 0 (background) will use the first item in the colorLUT array (colorLUT[0]), the segment index 1 (first segment) will use the second item in the colorLUT array (colorLUT[1]), and so on. In order to use the colorLUT, you need to add your LUT via the color API.


Segmentation State keeps track of all the colorLUTs that have been added in an array (this makes colorLUT entries in the segmentation state an array of arrays). So, to change the colorLUT you need to provide the index of the colorLUT you want to use too.

import { segmentation } from '@cornerstonejs/tools

// add color LUT for use with a segmentation representation
segmentation.config.color.addColorLUT(colorLUT, colorLUTIndex)

// sets the colorLUT index to use for the segmentation representation
segmentation.config.color.setColorLUT(toolGroupId, representationUID, colorLUTIndex)

// get the color for the segment index
segmentation.config.color.getColorForSegmentIndex(toolGroupId, representationUID, segmentIndex)