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PlanarFreehandROITool lets you draw annotations that define an arbitrarily drawn region. You can use the PlanarFreehandROITool in all perpendicular views (axial, sagittal, coronal), support for oblique views is possible, but not yet supported, due to the implementation of getSubPixelSpacingAndXYDirections.

The resulting annotation’s data and metadata (the state of the viewport while drawing was happening) will get added to the ToolState manager and can be accessed from the ToolState by calling getAnnotations or similar methods.

PlanarFreehandROITool annotation can be smoothed on drawing completion. This is a configured based approach. The smoothing process uses b-spline algorithm and consider 4 configurations properties:

  • smoothing.smoothOnAdd: to tell whether it should be smoothed or not (for editing it is considered the property smoothOnEdit) (default: false)
  • smoothing.smoothOnEdit: to tell whether it should be smoothed or not when editing (default: false)
  • smoothing.knotsRatioPercentageOnAdd: percentage of points from Segment that are likely to be considered knots during smoothing (for editing it is considered the property knotsRatioPercentageOnEdit) ( default: 40)
  • smoothing.knotsRatioPercentageOnEdit: same as knotsRatioPercentageOnAdd but applicable only when editing the tool (default: 40)

So, with that said the smoothing might occur when:

  • drawing is done (i.e mouse is released) and smoothing.smoothOnAdd is true. smoothing algorithm uses knotsRatioPercentageOnAdd
  • edit drawing is done (i.e mouse is released) and smoothing.smoothOnEdit is true. smoothing algorithm uses knotsRatioPercentageOnEdit and its only applied to changed segment smoothing does not occur when:
  • smoothing.smoothOnAdd is false and drawing is completed
  • smoothing.smoothOnEdit is false and edit is completed
  • drawing still happening (editing or not)

The result of smoothing will be removal of some of the outliers Changing tool configuration (see below) you can fine-tune the smoothing process by changing knotsRatioPercentageOnAdd and knotsRatioPercentageOnEdit value, which smaller values produces a more agressive smoothing. A smaller value of knotsRatioPercentageOnAdd/knotsRatioPercentageOnEdit produces a more aggressive smoothing.


const toolGroup = ToolGroupManager.createToolGroup('toolGroupId')


toolGroup.addViewport('viewportId', 'renderingEngineId')

toolGroup.setToolActive(PlanarFreehandROITool.toolName, {
bindings: [
mouseButton: MouseBindings.Primary, // Left Click

// set smoothing aggressiveness while adding new annotation (ps: this does not change if smoothing is ON or OFF)
toolGroup.setToolConfiguration(PlanarFreehandROITool.toolName, {
smoothing: { knotsRatioPercentageOnAdd: 30 },

// set smoothing to be ON while editing only
toolGroup.setToolConfiguration(PlanarFreehandROITool.toolName, {
smoothing: { smoothOnAdd: false, smoothOnEdit: true },

Read more in the Docs section of the website.







_throttledCalculateCachedStats: any


configuration: Record<string, any>


isDrawing: boolean = false


isEditingClosed: boolean = false


isEditingOpen: boolean = false


mode: ToolModes

Tool Mode - Active/Passive/Enabled/Disabled/


mouseDragCallback: any


supportedInteractionTypes: InteractionTypes[]

Supported Interaction Types - currently only Mouse


toolGroupId: string

ToolGroup ID the tool instance belongs to


touchDragCallback: any


toolName: any



  • _calculateStatsIfActive(annotation: PlanarFreehandROIAnnotation, targetId: string, viewport: any, renderingEngine: any, enabledElement: any): void
  • Parameters

    • annotation: PlanarFreehandROIAnnotation
    • targetId: string
    • viewport: any
    • renderingEngine: any
    • enabledElement: any

    Returns void


  • addNewAnnotation(evt: InteractionEventType): PlanarFreehandROIAnnotation
  • Based on the current position of the mouse and the current image, creates a PlanarFreehandROIAnnotation and stores it in the annotationManager.


    • evt: InteractionEventType


    Returns PlanarFreehandROIAnnotation

    The PlanarFreehandROIAnnotation object.


  • applyActiveStrategy(enabledElement: IEnabledElement, operationData: unknown): any
  • Applies the active strategy function to the enabled element with the specified operation data.


    • enabledElement: IEnabledElement

      The element that is being operated on.

    • operationData: unknown

      The data that needs to be passed to the strategy.

    Returns any

    The result of the strategy.


  • applyActiveStrategyCallback(enabledElement: IEnabledElement, operationData: unknown, callbackType: string): any
  • Applies the active strategy, with a given event type being applied. The event type function is found by indexing it on the active strategy function.


    • enabledElement: IEnabledElement

      The element that is being operated on.

    • operationData: unknown

      The data that needs to be passed to the strategy.

    • callbackType: string

      the type of the callback

    Returns any

    The result of the strategy.


  • cancel(element: HTMLDivElement): void
  • Parameters

    • element: HTMLDivElement

    Returns void


  • We need to override this method as the tool doesn’t always have handles, which means filterAnnotationsForDisplay fails inside filterAnnotationsWithinSlice.


    Returns Annotations


  • It checks if the mouse click is near TextBoxHandle or AnnotationHandle itself, and return either it. It prioritize TextBoxHandle over AnnotationHandle. If the mouse click is not near any of the handles, it does not return anything.


    • element: HTMLDivElement

      The element that the tool is attached to.

    • annotation: Annotation

      The annotation object associated with the annotation

    • canvasCoords: Point2

      The coordinates of the mouse click on canvas

    • proximity: number

      The distance from the mouse cursor to the point that is considered “near”.

    Returns ToolHandle

    The handle that is closest to the cursor, or null if the cursor is not near any of the handles.


  • getLinkedTextBoxStyle(specifications: StyleSpecifier, annotation?: Annotation): Record<string, unknown>
  • It returns the style for the text box


    • specifications: StyleSpecifier
    • optionalannotation: Annotation

      The annotation for the tool that is currently active.

    Returns Record<string, unknown>

    An object of the style settings for the text box.


  • getStyle(property: string, specifications: StyleSpecifier, annotation?: Annotation): unknown
  • It takes the property (color, lineDash, etc.) and based on the state of the annotation (selected, highlighted etc.) it returns the appropriate value based on the central toolStyle settings for each level of specification.


    • property: string

      The name of the style property to get.

    • specifications: StyleSpecifier
    • optionalannotation: Annotation

      The annotation for the tool that is currently active.

    Returns unknown

    The value of the property.


  • getToolName(): string
  • Returns the name of the tool

    Returns string

    The name of the tool.


  • handleSelectedCallback(evt: InteractionEventType, annotation: PlanarFreehandROIAnnotation, handle: ToolHandle): void
  • Begins an edit of an open contour, when the mouse has selected a handle (end) of the open contour.


    • evt: InteractionEventType


    • annotation: PlanarFreehandROIAnnotation

      PlanarFreehandROIAnnotation annotation.

    • handle: ToolHandle

      The handle index, 0 for the start and 1 for the end.

    Returns void


  • isPointNearTool(element: HTMLDivElement, annotation: PlanarFreehandROIAnnotation, canvasCoords: Point2, proximity: number): boolean
  • Returns if the canvas point is near the line of the given annotation in the provided element or not. A proximity is passed to the function to determine the proximity of the point to the annotation in number of pixels.


    • element: HTMLDivElement

      HTML Element

    • annotation: PlanarFreehandROIAnnotation

      The PlanarFreehandROIAnnotation.

    • canvasCoords: Point2

      Canvas coordinates

    • proximity: number

      Proximity to tool to consider

    Returns boolean

    Boolean, whether the canvas point is near tool


  • Returns true if the viewport is scaled to SUV units


    • viewport: StackViewport | default

      The viewport

    • targetId: string

      The annotation targetId

    • optionalimageId: string

      The annotation imageId

    Returns boolean


  • mouseMoveCallback(evt: MouseMoveEventType, filteredAnnotations?: Annotations): boolean
  • Event handler for Cornerstone MOUSE_MOVE event.


    • evt: MouseMoveEventType

      The normalized mouse event

    • optionalfilteredAnnotations: Annotations

      The annotations to check for hover interactions

    Returns boolean

    True if the annotation needs to be re-drawn by the annotationRenderingEngine.


  • onImageSpacingCalibrated(evt: ImageSpacingCalibratedEvent): void
  • On Image Calibration, take all the annotation from the AnnotationState manager, and invalidate them to force them to be re-rendered and their stats to be recalculated. Then use the old and new imageData (non-calibrated and calibrated) to calculate the new position for the annotations in the space of the new imageData.


    • evt: ImageSpacingCalibratedEvent

      The calibration event

    Returns void


  • it is used to draw the annotation in each request animation frame. It calculates the updated cached statistics if data is invalidated and cache it.


    • enabledElement: IEnabledElement

      The Cornerstone’s enabledElement.

    • svgDrawingHelper: SVGDrawingHelper

      The svgDrawingHelper providing the context for drawing.

    Returns boolean


  • setActiveStrategy(strategyName: string): void
  • Sets the active strategy for a tool. Strategies are multiple implementations of tool behavior that can be switched by tool configuration.


    • strategyName: string

      name of the strategy to be set as active

    Returns void


  • setConfiguration(newConfiguration: Record<string, any>): void
  • merges the new configuration with the tool configuration


    • newConfiguration: Record<string, any>

    Returns void


  • toolSelectedCallback(evt: InteractionEventType, annotation: PlanarFreehandROIAnnotation): void
  • Edits the open or closed contour when the line is grabbed and dragged.


    • evt: InteractionEventType
    • annotation: PlanarFreehandROIAnnotation

    Returns void


  • createAndAddAnnotation(viewport: any, ...annotationBaseData: any[]): void
  • Creates and adds an annotation of the given type, firing the annotation modified event on the new annotation. This implicitly uses the static class when you call it on the correct base class. For example, you can call the KeyImageTool.createAnnotation method on KeyImageTool.toolName by calling KeyImageTool.createAndAddAnnotation


    • viewport: any
    • rest...annotationBaseData: any[]

    Returns void


  • createAnnotation(...annotationBaseData: any[]): Annotation
  • Creates a base annotation object, adding in any annotation base data provided


    • rest...annotationBaseData: any[]

    Returns Annotation


  • createAnnotationForViewport(viewport: any, ...annotationBaseData: any[]): Annotation
  • Creates a new annotation for the given viewport. This just adds the viewport reference data to the metadata, and otherwise returns the static class createAnnotation data.


    • viewport: any
    • rest...annotationBaseData: any[]

    Returns Annotation